Roles & Responsibilities
While most universities in the U.S. began as four-year, undergraduate colleges, Florida Tech started out initially as a graduate institution to offer scientists, technicians, and engineers at NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center advanced-level academic courses.
The Office of Graduate Programs is responsible for enhancing, promoting and sustaining academic excellence in graduate education. This entails maintaining the quality of current programs, reviewing proposed programs, fostering interdisciplinary programs, appointing graduate faculty, reviewing and recommending graduate policy in conjunction with the Academic Affairs Committee and Academic Curriculum Committee, and working with the graduate divisions of each college on campus. The Office is the centralized unit for information and policy regarding graduate education. Our mission is to make certain that each graduate student is integrated into the respective academic graduate program and well prepared for the full range of professional responsibilities s/he will encounter in professional career. At Florida Tech, graduate students have an opportunity to interact closely with outstanding graduate faculty-not only in the classroom, but also on exciting and innovative research projects.
The Office of Graduate Programs is a second academic home for graduate students and serves as the first place students can go for assistance beyond what their academic units can provide, including:
- Dismissals, probation issues, reinstatement requests
- Graduate policy
- Questions about graduate program degree requirements
- Thesis and dissertation format and layout
- Tracking administrative forms
- Graduate level transfer credit requests
Faculty and Staff