Lavelle, John

John F Lavelle
Emeritus Faculty | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Arts and Communication
Educational Background
Dr. Lavelle has a doctorate from the University of Louisiana, an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Central Florida, and an MA in Literature from SUNY at Buffalo.
Professional Experience
Dr. Lavelle taught at the Florida Institute of Technology from 2008 until retirement in 2021 in the School of Arts and Communications.
Selected Publications
Lavelle, John. Blue Collar Theoretically: A Post-Marxist Approach to Working Class-Literature. Jefferson: McFarland & Co., 2011. Print.
Lavelle, John and Debbie Lelekis. The Working Class in American Literature: Essays on Blue Collar Identity. Jefferson: McFarland & Co. 2021 Print.
Lavelle, John. “Twain’s Antithetical Discourses in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures
of Tom Sawyer”. The Working Class in American Literature: Essays on Blue Collar Identity. Jefferson: McFarland & Co. 2021 Print.
Lavelle, John and Debbie Lelekis. “The Sun Also Rises for Some: Hemingway’s Exploration of the Ideologies of Social Class in The Sun Also Rises.” The Working Class in American Literature: Essays on Blue Collar Identity. Jefferson: McFarland & Co. 2021 Print.
Lavelle, John. Oreads. London: Roundfire. 2016. Print.
Lavelle, John. “The Meta-Myth of William Kennedy’s Ironweed.” Florida English: Special Irish American Issue 12 (2014): 69-82. Print
Lavelle, John. Rev. of Decadent Culture in the United States, by David Weir. The Humanities 26.1 (2009) 117-122. Print.
Lavelle, John. “Living in the Past.” When Last on the Mountain. Ed. Vicky Lettmann and Carol Roan. Duluth: Holy Cow! Press, 2010. 248-63. Print.
Lavelle, John. “Little Feet.” Appalachian Story: An Anthology. Ed Ashley Parker Owens. Richmond: KY Story. 2013, 79-89. Print.
Lavelle, John. “Telling an old Joke is all in the Punch Line.” BlazeVOX Winter
Lavelle, John. :Norris Gets Himself a Present.” Bosque. 7. Nov. 2017 184-194. Print.
Lavelle, John. “Little Sacrifices.” No Record Press 30. 15 Nov. 2014 Web.
Lavelle, John. “Keeping Trace’s Heart.” Spank the Carp. 15, Sept. 2014 Web.
Lavelle, John. “Pantano Wash.” Red Rock Review 32 (Fall 2013): 47-69. Print.
Lavelle, John. “Summer’s Eve.” Trajectory 6 (Spring 2013). Print.
Lavelle, John. “Hierophany” Synthetic Biology and Human Health: Myths, Fables and
Synthetic Futures (2012).
Lavelle, John. “Dragon Flies.” Stone Canoe 3 (2009): 5-25. Print.
Lavelle, John. “Buddy’s.” Pisgah Review 1.2 (2006): 33-49. Print
Lavelle, John. “Milos and Phoebe." The Cypress Dome 11 (2001): 92-97. Print.
Lavelle, John. “Bo” Y2K Magazine, 20 Sept. 1998. Web.
Lavelle, John. “Like Tea.” Y2K Magazine, 15 March 1999. Web.
As an emeritus, Dr. Lavelle has concentrated on writing fiction and has published short stories, some of which have been finalists for several awards.